The Vsique Workplace Push-Ups Program

Kindly read rules below before completing the Registration Form: Participating employees must check with their Physician and must sign Medical & Liability Waiver Forms. Program Closes Feb. 28, 2022

  1. Participating company must have a minimum of 100 employees.

  2. Strosion will donate five (5) Vsique sets; The employer purchases a minimum of five (5) or more Vsique Grips if more employees desire to participate.

  3. Must assign a Lead Person from the company to conduct and oversee the program.

    1. Distribute and collect participants’ Program Journal sheets; participants log how they feel before and after the exercise (Energy Level, Stress Levels)

    2. Participants must sign a Photography/Video Release Form; provide pictures and short video clips of participants performing push-ups with The Vsique.

    3. Participating employees are required to make their best efforts to perform Push-Ups - at individual level - four (4) times a day for thirty (30) days:

    During Work Week (Monday - Friday):

    1. 10:30 AM: 5 min of Push-Ups

    2. 12:30 PM:   10 min of Push-Ups with modified Body Squats

    3. 02:30 PM:  5 min of Push-Ups

    4. End Work Day:  10 min of Push-Ups with modified Body Squats

    Weekends & While Traveling:

    1. Perform as many Push-Ups as you can, comfortably, at anytime.

    Program Notes:

    • Always practice safety and don’t continue if you don’t feel good and seek medical attention if feeling pain.

    • Program details will be shared with the selected company.

    • This is a joint effort, we welcome suggestions and ideas to make this program more successful and effective.

    • The Lead Person will be on direct contact with the The Inventor of the Vsique on a regular basis via scheduled times.

    • The objective of this Program is to promote healthy work environment and to bring Exercise to the work place to make it a sustainable daily habit.