1-    What is Progressive Overload?

a.    Progressive overload is achieved by gradually increasing the workout intensity by weight, frequency, or number of repetitions.

b.    This challenges your body and allows your musculoskeletal system to get stronger. 

c.    Same can be applied to any type of exercise, including cardiovascular endurance exercises like Push-Ups. 

d.    The Vsique allows users to challenge their Push-Ups by varying their body position by adding additional body weight to increase tension to their muscles. By doing this, users can avoid plateauing, which is essential for their body to adapt to the type of exercise they are performing. With progressive overload, they may notice feeling fitter and stronger.

2-    What inspired The Vsique invention?

The inventor of The Vsique broke his right hand while using a powerful electric drill, which resulted in a spiral break of the ring finger bone. As a result, and after his hand healed, he needed a device to allow him to exercise at home with minimal to no hand or wrist pain.

  • The Vsique’s palm rest is designed to distribute body weight over a wider surface than that of barbells or dumbbells

  •  The Vsique’s palm rest angle is designed to allow incline Push-Ups to eliminate wrist, neck, or lower back pain.

  • The Vsique’s triangulated design allows utilization of Progressive Overload techniques where beginners can develop strength, control, and joint flexibility with comfort.

  • The Vsique’s versatile design also challenges advanced athletes, by providing control while performing various degree of elevations, floor, and decline pushups with an increased range of motion, angle, and direction to target different muscle groups.

3-    What makes The Vsique different than current Push-Up bars on the market?

Most devices on the market assume advanced users who are performing push up on the floor. The Vsique allows users to utilize Progressive Overload techniques where beginners can start on elevated surfaces, positioning their body and limbs comfortably, engage the appropriate body weight and challenge so they can safely perform Push-Ups to develop a safe and comfortable Push-Ups techniques before advancing.