Athletic Level

Utilizing Progressive Overload Technique

Changing the height, angle, distance of your position, changes the load (% of Bodyweight) required to perform the Push-Ups

Beginner - Countertops

  • Perfect for beginners or individuals with joint pain.

  • Perform more reps with less body weight, building your endurance and strength, while reducing strain and fatigue

  • Place arms and feet same as or slightly wider than shoulder width

  • Tighten glutes and core while slowly lowering the body down

Intermediate - Bench Height

  • Easier than being flat, but harder than the countertop height

  • Increasing your load resistance is as easy as moving your Vsique Push-Up Trainer lower to the ground

  • Place arms and feet same as or slightly wider than shoulder width

  • Tighten glutes and core while slowly lowering the body down

Advanced - Flat Surfaces & Beyond

  • Better than your standard push-up. The Vsique Push-Up Trainer allows for deeper reps while reducing the strain on your wrists

  • Ready for more? Perform dips, decline, yoga, planks…Just Push!

  • Place arms and feet same as or slightly wider than shoulder width

  • Tighten glutes and core while slowly lowering the body down